
Albion Fuzz: downloadable archive
Well, I still don't know whether Keenspace would approve of this, but until their (admittedly hard-pressed) support staff find time to reply, here it is. The nigh-complete archives of Albion Fuzz, the previous incarnation of this strip, which ran from July 2001 to February 2003. Download '' first - which contains the index page and reused graphics - then the segments of archive you want, and unzip them all into a single seperate folder (subfolders are included in the zips themselves). Open up index.html, and you'll be able to read such strips as you have.

A plea, though: the idea of providing them as downloads is to keep bandwidth use down, so please don't download these unless you really want to read them, and certainly don't link directly to them from elsewhere.

Enough pi-jaw. Enjoy.

Act One, Part One   Act One, Part Two   Act One, Part Three
Act Two, Part One   Act Two, Part Two
Act Three, Part One   Act Three, Part Two

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Unless otherwise noted, everything on the site is © 2001-3 James Roberts.